Museums in Winnipeg, MB
There are 38 museums found in Winnipeg, MB. This is 25% of all the tourist places listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Winnipeg attractions on this page to choose from.
Winnipeg Map with Museums
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List of Winnipeg Museums
Following is the list of all museums found in Winnipeg. The museums are sorted by their popularity, which is calculated based on the visitors, user ratings and couple of other factors. You may sort them alphabetiacally by their names using the sort options bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific museums from the list.
3285.085 Israel Asper Way, Winnipeg, MB - R3C 0L5
2950.02088 Wellington Avenue, Winnipeg, MB - R3H 1C1
980.0190 Rupert Avenue, Winnipeg, MB - R3B 0N2
760.045 Forks Market Road, Winnipeg, MB - R3C 4T6
710.0680 Harrow Street, Winnipeg, MB - R3M 3A3
700.0300 Memorial Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB - R3C 1V1
670.0494 Tache Avenue, Winnipeg, MB - R2H 2B2
650.02795 Ness Avenue, Winnipeg, MB - R3J 3S4
650.061 Carlton Street, Winnipeg, MB - R3C 1N9
610.0123 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB - R3C 1A3
545.0141 Regent Avenue West, Winnipeg, MB - R2C 1R1
510.055 Pavilion Crescent, Winnipeg, MB - R3P 2N6
480.0515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB - R3B
400.0460 Portage Avenue #1, Winnipeg, MB - R3C 0E8
340.0330 River Road, Winnipeg, MB - R2M 3Z8
320.0125 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, MB - R3T 2M7
270.066 Chancellors Circle, Winnipeg, MB - R3T 2N2
260.0969 Saint Matthews Avenue, Winnipeg, MB
260.01 Navy Way, Winnipeg, MB - R3C 4J7
210.050 Mac Street, Winnipeg, MB - R2V 4C8
120.0Airport, Winnipeg, MB
120.0600 Shaftesbury Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB - R3P 0M4
100.01417 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB - R2W 3V3
100.0183 Kennedy Street #1B, Winnipeg, MB - R3C 1S6
50.03180 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB
50.0551 Machray Avenue, Winnipeg, MB
30.0375 Deschambault Street, Winnipeg, MB - R2H 0J9
20.0130 Allard Avenue, Winnipeg, MB - R3K 0T4
0.056 Maple Street, Winnipeg, MB
0.0595 Pritchard Ave, Winnipeg, MB - R2W 2K4
0.0145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB - R3B 2Z6
0.0123 Doncaster Street, Winnipeg, MB
0.0600 Shaftesbury Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB - R3P 0M4
0.0969 Saint Matthews Avenue, Winnipeg, MB
0.0140 Meade Street North, Winnipeg, MB - R2W 3K4
0.0600 Saint Mary's Road, Winnipeg, MB - R2M 3L5
0.0233 Scotia Street, Winnipeg, MB - R2V 1V7
0.01175 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB - R2W 3S4
Find in Winnipeg
We also have tourist attractions in Winnipeg in the following categories. Please click on a category to find all Winnipeg attractions of that type.
- Amusement Parks (2)
- Nature Attractions (103)
- Zoos (1)
- Landmarks (7)
- All Attractions (151)
Find Museums in Manitoba
Top Winnipeg Museums
Visit the Top Museums in Winnipeg.
- Canadian Museum for Human Rights
- Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada
- Manitoba Museum
- The Winnipeg Railway Museum
- Manitoba Electrical Museum
- Le Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum
- Living Prairie Museum
- Dalnavert Museum and Visitors' Centre
- Children's Museum
- Winnipeg Art Gallery
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