Landmarks in St. John's, NL
There are 6 landmarks found in St. John's, NL. This is 12% of all the tourist places listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of St. John's attractions on this page to choose from.
St. John's Map with Landmarks
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List of St. John's Landmarks
Following is the list of all landmarks found in St. John's. The landmarks are sorted by their popularity, which is calculated based on the visitors, user ratings and couple of other factors. You may sort them alphabetiacally by their names using the sort options bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific landmarks from the list.
1230.0200 Military Road, St. John's, NL - A1C 2E8
1030.016 Church Hill, St. John's, NL - A1C 3Z9
690.011 Kings Bridge Road, St. John's, NL - A1C 1S5
670.090 Military Road, St. John's, NL - A1C 2E1
380.0100 Prince Philip Drive, St. John's, NL - A1B 3R4
360.016 Burtons Pond Road, St. John's, NL - A1B 3S7
Other Landmarks
The following landmarks are found outside St. John's. They are sorted from nearest to farthest distance from St. John's.
23.2 Miles1 South Street, Brigus, NL - A0A 1K0
23.2 Miles1 chemin South, Brigus, NL - A0A 1K0
62.6 Miles1 Old Castle Hill Road, Placentia, NL - A0B 2G0
77.4 Miles10 Ryans Hill Road, Bonavista, NL - A0C 1B0
80.7 Miles505 Cape Shore Road, Bonavista, NL - A0C 1B0
162.2 MilesNewfoundland T'Railway, Bishop's Falls, NL - A0H
Find in St. John's
We also have tourist attractions in St. John's in the following categories. Please click on a category to find all St. John's attractions of that type.
- Museums (7)
- Nature Attractions (35)
- Zoos (1)
- All Attractions (49)
Find Landmarks in Newfoundland and Labrador
Top St. John's Landmarks
Visit the Top Landmarks in St. John's.
The Basilica Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
Commissariat House, Provincial Historic Site
Colonial Building
Confederation Building
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