Museums in Saskatoon, SK
There are 15 museums found in Saskatoon, SK. This is 22% of all the tourist places listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Saskatoon attractions on this page to choose from.
Saskatoon Map with Museums
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List of Saskatoon Museums
Following is the list of all museums found in Saskatoon. The museums are sorted by their popularity, which is calculated based on the visitors, user ratings and couple of other factors. You may sort them alphabetiacally by their names using the sort options bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific museums from the list.
1110.04 Penner Road, Saskatoon, SK - S7K 3J7
950.0Trans-Canada Hwy 60,, Saskatoon, SK - S7H 5N9
800.0107 Administration Place, Saskatoon, SK - S7N 5A2
780.02935 Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon, SK - S7J 0S5
685.0101 Diefenbaker Place, Saskatoon, SK - S7N 5B8
320.0102 Spadina Crescent East, Saskatoon, SK - S7K 6P8
260.0107 Administration Place, Saskatoon, SK - S7N 5A2
190.01437 College Drive, Saskatoon, SK - S7N 0W6
100.02325 Preston Avenue South, Saskatoon, SK - S7J 2G2
0.03 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK - S7N 5A4
0.0326 11th Street East, Saskatoon, SK - S7N 0E7
0.0202 M Ave S, Saskatoon, SK
0.0424 20 Street West, Saskatoon, SK - S7M 0X4
0.0910 Spadina Crescent East, Saskatoon, SK - S7K 3H5
0.0Melville Street, Saskatoon, SK - S7J 5A6
Find in Saskatoon
We also have tourist attractions in Saskatoon in the following categories. Please click on a category to find all Saskatoon attractions of that type.
- Amusement Parks (2)
- Nature Attractions (49)
- Zoos (1)
- All Attractions (67)
Find Museums in Saskatchewan
Top Saskatoon Museums
Visit the Top Museums in Saskatoon.
Wanuskewin Heritage Park
Saskatchewan Railway Museum
Western Development Museum (WDM) - Corporate Office
Diefenbaker Canada Centre
Museum of Antiquities
Remai Art Gallery of Saskatchewan
Kenderdine Art Gallery
St. Thomas More Art Gallery
Children's Discovery Museum
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